Here is a list of university students we wrok with.
Student health insurance works the same way as traditional health insurance. In exchange for premium payments, college students and graduate students get certain benefits that help bring the cost of medical care down.5 You may have to meet a deductible or set dollar value toward medical services before benefits kick in.5 With student health insurance, you also may receive copays and coinsurance or discounts on certain doctor's appointments, prescriptions and treatments.5 Each plan has a different set of rules and limitations, so we recommend looking at your health insurance options closely.
Student health insurance may have similar coverage to traditional health insurance plans. College students may be able to expect coverage for:
Mental health care3
Doctor and hospital visits
Prescription medications
Medical treatments and devices6
We strongly recommend you look at the details of each health insurance plan you are considering, as coverage vastly varies from plan to plan.
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